
Akkha is a female humanoid robot with albinistic skin, white hair, a single pink eye, and white forearms with white hands (Akkha's white forearms with white hands can turn into white arm cannons). Akkha wears a white dastār, a white dress with a pink band around her waist, a white kachera, pink shoes with white socks, and a kara on her right arm. Akkha can shoot a white laser out of one of her arm cannons that travels very fast, but at a slower rate of fire. Akkha is a "dastār-wearing Mona Sikh" ("dastār-wearing Mona Sikhs" are Sikhs who wear a dastār and cut their hair), but unlike Kabir (a male humanoid robot who is a "dastār-wearing Mona Sikh" with a kirpan that can create blades of wind), Akkha doesn't have a kirpan. Akkha has high offense with low defense and mobility.

Before "Eric & Yannik X" got updated to version 1.7.1 on 2024 November 2, Akkha was a Sahajdhari Sikh instead of a "dastār-wearing Mona Sikh".

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